Map of North-East USA

Map of North-East USA

Friday 3 August 2007

A tiny bite from the Big Apple!!!

Monday 30th July - First Impressions

I finally met Connor at around 6.30 Monday evening. I always find it fascinating to meet the siblings of those you are close to – picking out similarities and differences. In many ways Connor and Cody are chalk and cheese (apples and oranges) but they certainly share some common ground and it’s great to see how they get on so well.

Once we had discussed England, accents and the contents of malt liquor for a while, Connor took us for a guided walk of the area surrounding his Brooklyn neighbourhood, which included a beautiful stroll through the local park. We stopped for refreshments in an artsy cafĂ© called the Habana, which I believe is run on solar power panels placed on the roof of the building. We were treated to a series of Burlesque acts, although I was struggling to spot the Burlesque element at times I’m afraid.

The first thing that struck me about America was the scale of everything, and I’m not just talking about the height of the buildings in NYC; Streets are wider, cars are longer, pavements are broader, parks are bigger (and it’s not because people are smaller - in fact there are a fair few who are considerably taller than me). In many ways it reminded me of large French cities; wide streets lined with cars and regularly placed trees separating pavements from roads. Even the style of road markings and traffic signs had a feel of France about them.

By the time we met up with Jess, Connor’s wife, our body clocks were on 3.30 am UK time but we still managed to stay up talking until 5 am (midnight on the New York City clock). I’m sure Jess must have been more tired than us though, since she is managing a full-time job and a nursing night class.



Anonymous said...

Just you behave yourself over there, missy. If you come back here talking about sidewalks and soccer I will disown you! xxx

Unknown said...

Well said Auntie B!

Mummy L

Catherine said...

Sidewalks and soccer are the least of your biscuits are scones and chips are crisps...that'll confuse you!

Anonymous said...

Actually, crisps are just compressed bits of non-fried potatoes trying to disguise themselves as potato "chips" (if I understand you correctly, Catherine!). Of course, we call the long fried potatoes French fries -- unless they are served with batter fried fish. THEN, that combo becomes "Fish and Chips!" Sometimes even WE get confused!!!!
